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韩寒英文简介(韩寒经典名句) -PeterChen-课件(PPT·精·选).ppt

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韩寒英文简介(韩寒经典名句) -PeterChen-课件(PPT·精·选).ppt

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韩寒英文简介(韩寒经典名句) -PeterChen-课件(PPT·精·选).ppt


文档介绍:A mysterious guy Have you heard of these: An essay named watching people though glasses was been judged to be the first by the New concept . An excellent speed racer and author. The representative of the 80s. A book named Triple door . Now guess,who he is ? There is just something about Hanhan. Han,as a speed racer and writer,born in shanghai in 1982,was chosen as one of the most influential people in the world by Time a essful figure,right? But do you know these: He didn ’ t go to college to study for he wasn ’ t good at schoolworks except Chinese. He dropped out from high school when he was senior knew how confused he is about his future. He is always so hard,no matter what he makes records in his spare time, which is also popular. A real boy! While,Han is not the person such as Guo is doesn ’ t like media interviews,especially for program loves his parents and loves his loves his loves his cars and writing. He loves his own life! His books Hanhan sayings I've said most lets a person cannot refute, is not fold the quilt is to sleep -- - but it out first was refuted. Understand? This is custom. We are sad, because we have too many rules. 我这辈子说得最让人无从反驳的话就是被子不用叠——本来就是要摊开睡的——然而这也是第一个被人反驳掉的。懂么,这就是规矩。我们之所以悲哀,是因为我们有太多规矩。 seven subjects, make my future red. 七门功课红灯,照亮我的前程。 I was a big mirror in Shanghai, I'll make many people reconsiders oneself. 我是一块上海大镜子,我会让很多人反思自己。 my hero basically not doing things, so HunHunDunDun lived. This is life. Why must be higher than life? 我的小说主人公基本上没干什么事,就这么混混沌沌过着。这就是生活。为什么一定要高于生活? Love words largely to oneself of face, such as school think long good-looking face, and the office has a rich have found that, in the face of love is face. 恋爱的话很大程度是为了自己的面子,比如学校里觉得长得好看有面子,而办公室里觉得找个有钱的有面子一样,其实爱的都是面子 I e phenomenon, moral fail, always have good ideas. 我成为现象,思想品德不及格,总比没思想好。 back as the famous hair, I i


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