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文档介绍:Administration on Aging ? Fact Sheet Working to Build the Future of Long-Term Care Empowering adults as they age with reliable information and access to the care they need Enabling individuals who are at high risk of nursing home placement to remain at home Building disease prevention munity living through the use of low-cost, evidence- based programs . Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging Elderly Nutrition Program INTRODUCTION With the aging of the . population, increased attention is being given to delivering health and related services to older persons in munity. Since adequate nutrition is critical to health, functioning, and the quality of life, it is an ponent of home munity-based services for older people . ELDERLY NUTRITION PROGRAM The Administration on Aging ’s (AoA) Elderly Nutrition Program provides grants to support nutrition services to older people throughout the country. The Elderly Nutrition Program, authorized under Title III, Grants for State munity Programs on Aging, and Title VI, Grants for Native Americans, under the Older Americans Act, is intended to improve the dietary intakes of participants and to offer participants opportunities to form new friendships and to create informal works. The legislative intent is to munity-based services available to older adults who may be at risk of losing their independence. The Elderly N