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文档介绍:Hello everyone Introduction of Hayao Miyazaki 《宫崎骏简介》 My Neighbor Totoro 《龙猫》 Howl's Moving Castle 《哈尔的移动城堡》 Spirited Away 《千与千寻》 Hayao Miyazaki & His Animations Date of Birth: January 5, 1941 Birthplace: Tokyo , Japan Studio: GHIBLI (吉卜利工作室) Trade mark: 1. Likes to make films with stories that have flying as part of the theme and the action. 2. Usually focus on young protagonists or have children that play key roles in the plot. 3. Always close to nature, humanity, chidrens ’ dreams and so on … Miyazaki (Miyazaki, Miyazaki Hayao) is a famous Japanese animation director, January 5, 1941 Born in Tokyo. He has no substitute in the global animation industry status, Disney called “ animation industry Akira Kurosawa ”, he was received numerous ['njum ?r? s] awards . 宫崎骏(宫崎骏, Miyazaki Hayao )是日本著名动画片导演, 1941 年1月5日生于东京。宫崎骏在全球动画界具有无可替代的地位,迪斯尼称其为“动画界的黑泽明”,更是获奖无数。语法标注解释 substitute 英音: ['s? bstitju:t] 美音: ['s? bst ? ,tjut ?形容词 a. ? ;代用的;替补的. ? The new substitute sweetener is made from a wild plant. ?这一新的代用甜味剂是用一种野生植物制成的。?名词 n? ;代替物;代用品[C][(+for)] ? Is harin a good substitute for sugar? ?糖精是糖的良好替代品吗? ?及物动词 vt. ? ...代替;代替[(+for)] ? Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones. ?国产零件取代进口零件。? Mary is ill and Laura is to substitute her. ?玛丽病了,劳拉代替她。?不及物动词 vi. ? ;作代替者[(+for/as)] ? Only art can substitute for nature. ?唯有艺术能代替自然。? He substitutes as our teacher of English. ?他代任我们的英语教师。 My Neighbor Totoro(1988) is one of Miyazaki best-loved films. Totoro is a forest spirit that little Mei (草壁梅) , and her older sister Satsuki (草壁皋月) , encounter in a giant camphor tree near their new home in the countryside. Their mother is in the hospital, recovering from unnamed illnesses. When Mei hears that her mother's condition may be worsening, she resolves to visit her all by herself. When everyone realizes she's missing, only Totoro knows where she is and help sister Satsuki to find her. This warm film made Totoro well-


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