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四年级英语下册Unit 6课件12.ppt.ppt

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四年级英语下册Unit 6课件12.ppt.ppt

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四年级英语下册Unit 6课件12.ppt.ppt



文档介绍:Unit 6 Let ’ s go by taxi Taxi Where should I go? ( 我该去哪里? ) I want to buy some biscuits( 饼干) and juice. I can go to the __________. supermarket Where should I go? ( 我该去哪里? ) I want to watch a film( 电影), I can go to the _______. cinema Where should I go? ( 我该去哪里? ) I want to see the play( 舞台剧)‘ Snow White ’. I can go to the _______. theatre Where should I go? ( 我该去哪里? ) I want to read some books, I can go to the ______. library Where is it? ( 这是哪里? ) We can see many ( 许多) doctors and nurses here. It is a ________. hospital go to the hospital 去医院 go to hospital = see a doctor 看医生 Where is it? We can see many trains here. It is ________. a station Where is it? We can see many planes here. It is __________. an airport Where is it? We can see many teachers and students here. It is __________. a school How do you go to school? I go to school …