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文档介绍:Basic I ntroduction 1. name: 菲尔普斯 2. sex: Male 3. English name: Michael Phelps 4. birth years: 5. height: 187cm 6. body weight: 79Kg 7. nationality: Ameri ca 8. project: Swimming Achievements ?I n 2000 Sydney Olympic Games 200 meter butterfly stroke fifth; ?I n 2001 the international championship 200 meter butterfly stroke champions and broke the world record ?I n 2002 exuded Pacific Ocean championship tournament 200 meter, 400 meter individual medley champions, 200 meter butterfly stroke second place, the 4x100 rice medley race champion and broke the world record, the 4x200 rice crawl relay second place. ?I n 2003 at the world swimming championships, he obtained 200 meters butterfly strokes, 200 meter and 400 meter medley relay three category of champions. ? At present Philps is the male 200 meters butterfly strokes, 200 meter and 400 meter medley relay three project world record holders. Beijing Olympic Games ? The first gold : the first gold in the men's 400 meters individual medley in 4minute 03 seconds in his 84 dream of ess of the Beijing Olympic Games,and once again break the world record for the project. ? Second : won the championship in men's 4x100 freestyle relay final. ? Chapter three : Men's 4x100freestyle relay in the final 1 minutes 42 seconds 96 achievement win the championship, and break the world record. ? Chapter four : s


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