文档介绍:西安交通大学网络学院护理学自考论文论文题目: 杜- 非合剂对子宫不协调收缩的临床效果观察及学科( 专业): 护理专业申请人: 指导教师: 摘要目的:观察杜-非合剂全量肌注对于子宫不协调性收缩的作用。方法:将320 例子宫不协调性收缩的初产妇,随即分为观察组和对照组各 160 例, 观察组肌肉注射杜冷丁 100 毫克,非那根 50毫克,对照组采用常规观察护理。结果: 1、观察组用药后 -2 小时有 123 例(占 77%)孕妇入睡,用药 2小时内宫缩强度渐减弱,持续时间缩短,宫缩间隙可入睡, 2-4 小时后宫缩规律,强度增加;有 17 例(占 12% )孕妇宫缩基本消失,安静入睡; 20 例(占 11% )的孕妇用药后 1-2 小时宫缩规律,但间隔时间长(大于 5分钟) ,需要静滴缩宫素加强宫缩。 2 、观察组与对照组相比第一、二产程明显缩短,观察组第一产程平均为 454 分钟,对照组平均为 582 分钟,缩短 128 分钟,观察组第二产程平均为 50 分钟,对照组平均为 78分钟,缩短 28分钟,有显著差异(p< );观察组第三产程平均为 7分钟,对照组平均为 8分钟,第三产程无显著差异( p> )。 3、观察组阴道分娩 112 例,剖宫产 45例,阴道助产 3例;对照组阴道分娩 89例,剖宫产 67例,阴道助产 4例。结论:杜- 非合剂肌注对子宫不协调性收缩有明显作用,可解除产妇因分娩引起的精神紧张和恐惧,使子宫收缩变协调;第一、二产程缩短;剖宫产率下降【关键词】杜冷丁; 非那根;镇静药; 子宫不协调收缩论文类型: 应用研究西安交通大学网络教育学院学士学位论文Ⅰ附件Ⅱ Title: Clinical Effect Study of dolantin and phenergan to In coordinated uter ine contraction Speciality: Nursing Profession A pplicant: Supervisor : ABSTRACT Goal: To observe the effect of the dolantin - phenergan mixture full dose to uterus uncoordinated contraction M ethod: The award of320 cases of incoordinated uterine contraction were divided into two groups --a control group of160 cases,which were give nothing medicine , and the observation group,which were give n pethidine 100 mg and morphine 50 mg. R esult: 1. Ofthe observation group ,123 examples (account for 77%) went to sleep -2 hour s later after the intermuscular injection ; within 2 hours the uterus constriction weaken ed gradually, the duration reduce d. The womb ’s shrink changes the rule r and the intensity increase r in 2-4 hou s later. The womb ’s shrink has basic ally vanishing of17 examples(account for 12%) in them. goes to sleep peacefully; and others 20 examples (account for 11%) uterus shrink age is rule r in drugs the latter 1-2 hours ,but the time between two rules is longs (bigger than 5 minutes), they need to drop oxytocin to strengthen the uterus shrink ing. 2. The first and second course of childbirth of the observation group wasshorter than the control group, the observation group first c