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文档介绍:Let Let ’’ s begin! s begin! ?? China ready to leap from China ready to leap from industrial to information- industrial to information- age economy age economy 中国即将从工业经济跃入中国即将从工业经济跃入信息时代经济信息时代经济 After 30 years of securing After 30 years of securing China China ’’ s role as the s role as the cut-rate cut-rate factory to the world, its central factory to the world, its central planners are pouring money and planners are pouring money and political will into ing an political will into ing an innovation innovation economy. economy. Cut-rate : cheap, low cost Innovation: the introduction of some new. 中央计划部门用了 30 年确立了中国作为成本低廉的世界工厂的地位。如今,他们正投入大量金钱和政治意志要把中国变成一个创新经济体。 But like other Asian tigers But like other Asian tigers before it, China is finding making before it, China is finding making the shift from textile mills to the shift from textile mills to Silicon Valley isn Silicon Valley isn ’’ t easy. The t easy. The biggest challenge is nurturing biggest challenge is nurturing technological creativity in a society technological creativity in a society run from the top down, says a run from the top down, says a chorus chorus of foreign and local experts. of foreign and local experts. Chorus :<n> something said by a lot of people at the time. 但跟此前的其他几只亚洲虎但跟此前的其他几只亚洲虎一样,中国发现从纺织厂向硅谷一样,中国发现从纺织厂向硅谷转变殊非易事。国内外专家异口转变殊非易事。国内外专家异口同声地表示,最大的挑战是在一同声地表示,最大的挑战是在一个上令下行的社会里培养技术创个上令下行的社会里培养技术创造力造力。。““ The The stakes stakes are extremely high are extremely high ””, , says says Lan Lan Xue Xue , head of the Institute , head of the Institute of Science and Technology Policy at of Science and Technology Policy at Beijing Beijing ’’ s s Tsinghua Tsinghua University. University. ““ The The environmental costs environmental costs make it impossible to go on growing make it impossible to go on growing like this ;we have to transform like this ;we have to transform growth so it is based on technology growth so it is based on technology


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