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文档介绍:实体书店建筑空间形态及发展模式探讨摘要实体书店具有浓厚的文化特征和人文气质,是人类文明的展览馆,是人文精神的根据地。它在给读者创造良好的阅读环境和购书环境的同时,也为读者在其中进行各式各样的文化活动提供了可能。由于人们生活****惯和行为心理的变化,使他们对实体书店建筑空间的物质、精神、情感的要求日益提高,实体书店成为人们需要捍卫的精神家园。正因为这样,实体书店的空间形态与其他消费空间显得更为复杂和独特,其空间设计面临着更高的挑战。实体书店作为传统图书的销售终端,受到电子商务和盗版图书的冲击颇大, 其人文环境随着书店的倒闭而丧失颇为可惜,如何创造一个极具文化气质和人文关怀的书店空间,成为我们亟待解决的问题。本文力图通过对实体书店发展变迁的回顾和对其空间形态的调研剖析,指出书店空间形态的合理与不合理之处,并用前瞻性的眼光展望未来提出实体书店空间形态的发展模式。文章首先提出其空间形态的社会性价值,并归纳为三点:文化空间、消费空间、交往空间。为后文的研究提供了必要的理论依据和分析角度;然后追溯实体书店的历史渊源,并研究其空间形态表现,提出合理化的建议;接着,笔者通过合肥市安徽图书城进行行为观察和问卷调查的基础上,对书店的空间形态进行量化分析,得出结论;最后笔者结合理论与实践对其空间形态的布局、发展动因和完善因素进行了思索,提出科学性和前瞻性的实体书店空间发展模式的探讨。关键词:实体书店空间形态文化发展模式 II Entity bookstore building space form and development model ABSTRACT Entity bookstore has a strong cultural characteristics and cultural temperament, is the exhibition of human civilization, humanistic spirit is the base iton to the reader to create a good reading environment and book-selling environment at the same time, also for the reader to a wide variety of cultural activities in it in the may be due to the change of people's living habits and behavior psychology, maketheir material of architectural space entity bookstore spirit emotion demand is increasing day by day, entity bookstore has e the spiritual home of people need to defend because of this, space form of entity bookstore and other consumption space appear plex and unique, its space design is faced with more challenges. As a traditional book sales terminals, entity bookstore has been the impact of electronic commerce and pirated books, the humanities environment as bookshops is unfortunately lost,how to create a highly cultural quality and humanistic care store space, e a problem we need to be addressed. In this paper, through a review of the entity bookstore development and the space form of research analysis, pointed out the bookstore spaceform is reasonable and unreasonable, and forward-looking vision i