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studies on preservation of sugarcane juice:对甘蔗汁保鲜的研究.pdf

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studies on preservation of sugarcane juice:对甘蔗汁保鲜的研究.pdf



文档介绍:STUDIES ON PRESERVATION OF SUGARCANE JUICE O. P. Chauhan, Dheer Singh, *S. M. Tyagi, and D. K. Balyan Department of Food Science and Technology, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar 263145, ., India ABSTRACT The variety CoP 92226 was selected for preparing sugarcane juice bev- erage on the basis of yield and sensory attributes from eight promising varieties of sugarcane. Sugarcane juice beverage samples were prepared by pasteurizing the sugarcane juice at 70 ?C for 10 minutes and adding citric acid (40 mg =100 ml), ascorbic acid (40 mg =100 ml) and potassium metabisulphite (150 ppm). Samples of sugarcane juice beverage were stored at room (30 ? 5 ?C) and refrigeration (4 ? 2 ?C) temperature in pre-sterilized glass bottles and analyzed for physico-chemical, micro- biological and sensory attributes at every 15 days interval for 90 days. The pH, total soluble solids and total sugars decreased, whereas, titra- table acidity and reducing sugars increased signi?cantly ( P <) during storage. An appreciable increase in total plate counts and yeast and mold counts were observed, however, no coliforms, were detected in sugarcane juice beverage during storage. The changes in di?erent attributes were signi?cantly ( P <) higher at room temperature pared to re- frigeration temperature. The sugarcane juice beverage having citric acid and potassium metabisulphite showed minimum changes in sensory qualities during storage, both at room and refrigeration temperature. An acceptable quality beverage of sugarcane juice with satisfactory storage stability for 90 days at roomas well as refrigeration temperature could be prepared. *Corresponding author. Fax: t91-05944; E-mail: ******@gbpuat..in 217 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD PROPERTIES, 5(1), 217–229 (2002) Copyright # 2002 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. RODUCTION The total production of sugarcane in India is about 271 million tonnes. It is grown mainly for producing sweeteners such as sugar, jagger


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