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Eat Well, Play Hard, Stay Well - Remote Indigenous …:吃得好,玩得很辛苦,留得好远的土著….ppt

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Eat Well, Play Hard, Stay Well - Remote Indigenous …:吃得好,玩得很辛苦,留得好远的土著….ppt

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/4/17 文件大小:0 KB


Eat Well, Play Hard, Stay Well - Remote Indigenous …:吃得好,玩得很辛苦,留得好远的土著….ppt


文档介绍:2 The Nutrition and Physical Activity Team The main role of the team is the implementation of the NT Nutrition and Physical Activity Action Plan by capacity building through: ? Training ? Support ? Communication working ? Promotion and advocacy ? Monitoring and surveillance 3 Nutrition & Physical Activity Program Action Plan 2007 - 2012 Priorities for action ? Maternal and child nutrition ? Food Supply ? Participation in regular physical activity ? Healthy weight for all ? Prevention and management of preventable chronic diseases 4 Maternal and Child Nutrition ? Antenatal education sessions ? Infant feeding ? Healthy Under 5 ’ s program ? Schools in-servicing teachers nutrition education sessions implementing policy for canteens ? Childcare and playgroups in-servicing staff menu planning 5 Food Food Supply ? Fruit and vegetable promotion ? Remote indigenous stores and takeaways ? Supporting stores licensing ? Market Basket Survey ? Staff training 6 Participation in regular physical activity ? Community activities – walking groups, activities with sport and rec officers, other activity programs 7 Healthy Weight for All ? Eat Better, Move More – healthy weight and physical activity program for munities ? development of facilitators ’ manual and training program for indigenous facilitators ? training and support for indigenous facilitators 8 Prevention and man


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