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文档介绍:下设监管事务大臣,无定员;卿2员,一员由侍卫补授,一员由内务府司员补授,每司均有郎中、员外郎、主事等官,并评述其下辖大凌河牧场、达里冈爱牧场、上都达布逊诺尔牧场的概况,清朝皇室对于上述牧场的各项政策规定,以及其在清代马政中的地位、影响、作用等。第四章共分二节,论述清代八旗在全国的主要牧场的概况,追溯其沿革过程,评价其在清代整个历史发展进程中所起到的作用、影响、地位等。第五章共分二节,将全面评述清代八旗马政建设,对其在历史上所产生的利与弊进行了分析,试图指出其从一个侧面折射出清代历史的盛衰,结语起到总结全文的作用。关键词:清代,八旗,马政,太仆寺,上驷院 ABSTRACT Horse administration,refers tothe ancient China government for official use horses for,training,using and procurement management horse administration,for national heavy works,horse administration es theimportant es theimportant content of government administration,the horse es theimportant duty ofthe general of thehorse industry toriseup into thehorse lands, originated from theShang Dynasty rulers,after continuous impvovement innowation,mature the late of Ming Dynasty,in horsemanship andarchery,hunting and fishing industry,the Jurchen afresh riseinNortheast China,the Ming W撕liforty--threeyears(1 615), the rateoffreeprinces except theforeign Jurchen ministries,founded the Eight Bannerssystem,the system isthebasicsystem oftheQing Dynasty, ‘'nationallanguage and ride’’are the rulers oftheQing Dynasty inthe history of our country,theMinorityRegimes inCentral Plainsandthe achievements of the great powers,the founding oftheQing Dynasty, development,consolidation plays animportant role riseof Manchuria tribes,and the horse has a close Qing Dynasty iSthe China feudal society’S lastdynasty,it is to risein northeastern Manchuria aristocrat based regime,in the reign of Manchuria customs clearance on basis of reference Central Plains Dynasty relatively advanced military system,formulate a distinctive national characteristics flagsoliders,cavalry articleattempts fromtheEight Banners inQing Dynasty horseadministration system proceed with,to theQing Dynasty horse administration for analysis of contemporary and latermaj or effect, significance, author’S purpose isthrough analyzing theEight