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上传人:麒麟才子 2016/4/17 文件大小:0 KB




文档介绍:1 本科毕业论文药学毕业论文中药黄芪酒剂摘要: 黄芪是百姓经常食用的纯天然品, 产于我国华北诸省。黄芪来源於豆科植物黄芪或内蒙黄芪的乾燥根。清朝绣宫内称其为“补气诸药之最”,民间也流传着“常喝黄芪汤,防病保健康”的顺口溜,意思是说经常用黄芪煎汤或用黄芪泡水代茶饮,具有良好的防病保健作用。黄芪和人参均属补气良药, 人参偏重于大补元气, 回阳救逆, 常用于虚脱、休克等急症, 效果较好。而黄芪则以补虚为主, 常用于体衰日久、言语低弱、脉细无力者。有些人一遇天气变化就容易感冒,中医称为“表不固”,可用黄芪来固表,常服黄芪可以避免经常性的感冒。中国的药剂师在长达 2000 多年的历史中推断并将黄芪用作增进能力和抵抗疾病的良药, 现代医学研究表明, 黄芪含皂甙、蔗糖、多糖、多种氨基酸、叶酸及硒、锌、铜等多种微量元素。有增强机体免疫功能、保肝、利尿、抗衰老、抗应激、降压和较广泛的抗菌作用。能消除实验性肾炎蛋白尿, 增强心肌收缩力, 调节血糖含量。黄芪不仅能扩张冠状动脉, 改善心肌供血, 提高免疫功能, 而且能够延缓细胞衰老的进程。黄芪食用方便,可煎汤,煎膏,浸酒,入菜肴等。用法:一日 15~30g ,或用至 60g 。关键字: 黄芪药酒药效 Summary Astragalus is the regular consumption of the people of pure natural products, produced in the provinces of North China. From legumes Astragalus Astragalus Astragalus or Inner Mongolia, the dry root. Qing Dynasty palace embroidery called "qi various drugs most" people have also spread the "drunk astragalus soup, disease prevention healthy," the jingle, which means that often flood damage astragalus Astragalus decoction or on behalf of tea , has a good effect of preventing the diseases. Qi Astragalus and ginseng are good medicine, ginseng emphasis on nourishing vitality, Yang deficiency, commonly used in the collapse, shock and other emergencies, better. The tonic Astragalus Zeyi mainly used in the body falling into decline, speech low weak, thready pulse powerless. Some people are likely a case of cold weather, Chinese medicine called "table is not solid," Astragalus can be used to solid form, dressed in uniforms or regular cold Astragalus avoided. 2 China's pharmacists up to 2000 years of history and Astragalus used to infer ability and resistance to disease, to promote good medicine, modern medical research shows that Astragalus contains saponins, sucrose, harides, amino acids, folic acid and selenium, zinc, copper other trace elements. Can enhance immune function, liver, diuretic, anti-aging, anti-stress, blood pressure and wider antibacterial effect. Eliminate experimental glomerulonephritis, enhanced myocardial contractility, regulating blood