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../必读【请务必了解】.txt [37.15 KB]
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文档介绍:沈阳理工大学应用技术学院毕业设计(论文) 题目: 基于 的网上图书销售系统的设计与实现系别: 信息工程系专业: 计算机科学与技术学生姓名: 曲德炳指导教师: 孙承福 2010 年6月 15日 I 摘要本文详细介绍了网上图书销售系统的设计与实现过程。针对传统销售方式中管理不便与效率低的缺点,将电子商务技术和计算机技术结合起来,开发出管理更便利、效率更高的网上图书销售系统。本系统主要分为前台销售和后台管理两大模块。前台主要包括图书展示,图书查询, 图书导航,会员注册,会员登陆,密码找回,购物车,更改,详细信息添加,发表书评, 更改收件地址, 订单查看,订单查询,发布意见,网站动态。后台主要包括新书登记, 订单管理,图书管理,用户管理,新闻管理,添加新闻,缺书管理,书评管理,添加新书类别,用户建议管理等。以上功能的实现主要是基于 中强大的 WEB 技术, 又与后台 SQL Server 200 5 数据库技术相结合。最终形成了一个功能强大的电子商务购书平台。为了迎合了当今社会的发展趋势,让图书销售进入信息化,智能化,使人们的生活方式更加便利快捷,特此开发出了网上图书销售系统。关键词: 网上图书销售;系统管理;数据库 2005 Ⅱ Abstract The main body ofabook is designed having introduced that the electron buys book systematically detailed and is realizes process. Specifically for tradition manages the inconvenient and inefficient ing in selling way, combine merce puter art the administration developing out is more convenient , efficiency is higher the electron buys book systematically . This system is that the proscenium sells and manages on the backstage two big modules mainly mark. Book review, changes a proscenium mainly including that the book showing, book inquiry , the book guide, the member registers, the member lands, the password finds back, shopping vehicle, changes , detailed information adds, announces collecting piece of address, the order form checks, query about your order, announces the idea, website development. Background registers mainly including the new book, the order form manages, the book manages, the consumer manages, news manages, the add news, plete book manages, book review manages, adds the new book category, consumer suggestion is managed waiting. The above functional realization is owing to that is hitby the WEB technology big and powerful mainly ; SQL Server 2005 data bases bine with backstage each other. Platform having formed a powerful merce ultimately buying book. For the developing trend having catered to society in the nowadays, making book marketing entrance information, intellectualized, makes people's life-style for the convenience of rap