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文档介绍:雅思G类作文书信经典范文:投诉信(1) 2
雅思G类作文书信经典范文:投诉信(2) 4
雅思G类作文书信经典范文:问询信(3) 6
雅思G类作文书信经典范文:问询信(4) 8
雅思G类作文书信经典范文:推荐信(5) 10
雅思G类作文书信经典范文:推荐信(6) 12
雅思G类作文书信经典范文:建议信(7) 15
雅思G类作文书信经典范文:建议信(8) 17
雅思G类作文书信经典范文:申请信(9) 19
雅思G类作文书信经典范文:请求信(10) 21
  A night club just opened near where you live You are very unhappy about the situation because it disturbs the peace of the neighborhood Write a letter to your local government official Say who you are and explain why you are unhappy and suggest what should be done about it(投诉信)

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction with the horrible situation I have been faced with recently


  I’m a resident of Rose Park on St Johnson Street I had been enjoying my life since I moved here five years ago However, a nightclub recently opened right across the street from my apartment block has completely changed everything
  To begin with, the club itself is very unsightly It has blackened windows with sexually explicit pictures displayed on the outside, which I find extremely offensive Also, the noise level during the early hours of the morning is so intense that it has really disturbed my sleep Consequently, I find that I am unable to concentrate fully on my job, as I am often too tired

  I work as a surgeon in the local hospital; therefore, I am sure you can see the gravity of my complaint Indeed, the consequences of my making any mistake due to my lack of sleep can be very serious indeed

  I understand that, as a member of the local government, you have the power to close the club down Nevertheless, I know very clearly that people need to make a living and I would not like to be res


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