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文档介绍:I 南阳师范学院本科毕业论文论文题目:中国译学理论综述作者:刘方方指导教师:朱坤学院:外国语学院专业:英语班级:2010 级7班 II 中国译学理论综述南阳师范学院外国语学院英语专业申请文学学士学位毕业论文作者: 指导老师: III THEORETICAL REVIEW OF CHINESE TRANSLATION STUDIES By Supervisor :A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the school year to the School of Foreign Languages Nanyang Normal University of English March , 2014 IV Acknowledgements I would like to express my thanks to all the people who gave me generous help and valuable suggestions throughout all stages in the writing of this thesis. First of all, I am greatly indebted to Zhu Kun , my supervisor, for her suggestions and support on every draft of this paper. Ms. Zhu is very generous with his time and expertise and I have benefited a lot from his illuminating criticism, comments and advice. Without her careful proofreading and devoted checkup of my drafts, my paper would never have e what it is like today. Secondly, I would like to offer my gratitude to all the teachers who helped me a lot in all the fields of the English language arid literature. Their excellent lectures and extensive knowledge prepared me both academically and psychologically for this thesis. I am also grateful to my friends who have inspired me greatly with many insightful ideas and assisted me in collecting the firsthand materials and various kinds of books about my paper. Last but not least, my sincere appreciations go to my parents and relatives who have made this research more possible and memorable with their wholehearted support and encouragement. To all of you I give my earnest thanks. V 摘要翻译, 作为一种活动在人类历史上, 一直在讨论激烈。一般来说,自从人类开始翻译活动中, 翻译的研究从未停止。翻译理论是认识主体( 翻译研究工作者) 在翻译实践中概括出来的有关翻译现象和本质的系统结论、描述或阐释; 翻译活动本身、理论基础和译论的主体性均表明了翻译理论和思维方式是分不开的。翻译理论源于翻译实践,又为翻译活动的顺利展开提供科学指导, 而作为翻译理论研究基础的翻译史研究,则更是译学理论构建的重中之重。我国是有着两千多年悠久翻译传统的国家,译界名家辈出、名译不胜枚举,翻译文学早己成为现代文学不可分割的一部分,翻译理论也成为世界译论的有机组成成分。然而,由于国内翻译理论研究起步较晚,学界对我国的译论历史众说纷纭,或曰译论欠缺,或曰自成体系。要解决传统译学给翻译研究带来的负面影响,必须对症下药。思路的笼统趋势是其一,体现在研究中对概念的定义、分类、引用等方面; 笔者认为可以将笼统化作优势,尝试整合中西方法论。对经验的依赖性和方法论训