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文档介绍:—词汇教学在听说读写教学中的运用 One forgets words as one forgets names. One ’ s vocabulary needs constant fertilizing or it will die. — Evelyn Waugh ( British novelist ) 某海外学校举办英语夏令营,开设了如下课程: 园艺( gardening )、烹饪( cooking )、防身术(self-defense )、护理( nursing )。假如你是王跃华(不可以用自己的真实姓名),写一封申请信, 报名参加其中一门课程的学****信的内容必须包括: 你感兴趣的课程你期望从这门课程中学到什么为什么想学这些内容( 120-150w )—上海 2009 高考 Dear Sir/Madam: As far as I know, your school offers us a lot of courses, such as gardening, cooking, self-defense and nursing. I am interested in cooking, so I want to apply for a cooking course. Due to the better living condition, we eat better than before. In order to meet the requirements on eating and learn more about cooking, I choose cooking. By attending this course, I want to know some cooking skills. Besides, it ’ s a good opportunity for me to learn some basic life skills. What ’ s more, cooking plays an important part in our daily life. If I choose it, I may get much knowledge of healthy food. So why not choose cooking? Good cooking can make our life more healthy and sweet. Yours Yuehua Wang Dear Sir/Madam: As far as I know , your school offers us a lot of courses, such as gardening, cooking, self-defense and nursing. I am interested in cooking, so I want to apply for a cooking course. Due to the better living condition , we eat better than before. In order to meet the requirements on eating and learn more about cooking, I choose cooking. By attending this course , I want to know some cooking skills. Besides , it’ s a good opportunity for me to learn some basic life skills. What ’ s more , cooking plays an important part in our daily life. If I choose it, I may get much knowledge of healthy food. So why not choose cooking ? Good cooking can make our life more healthy and sweet. Yours Yuehua Wang Dear Sir/Madam: As far as I know, your school offers us a lot of courses, such as gardening, cooking, self-defense and nursing. I am interested in cooking, so I w