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文档介绍:华中科技大学硕士学位论文 I 中文摘要刘轲是中唐时代有名的散文家和经史学家,也是韩愈、柳宗元古文运动理论提出的忠实支持者和践行者,一生著作颇多。唐末五代人王定保在其《唐摭言》中称刘轲“文章与韩、柳齐名”,可见在唐末时代评价已超出一般。刘轲与散文大家韩愈曾有一定交往,与大诗人白居易亦师亦友,小说《牛羊日历》涉及中晚唐时期的牛李党争, 在当时产生较大的政治影响,多人疑是刘轲创作。可惜的是,刘轲之文留存甚少,有限的资料给后人研究带来很多局限,迄今而来,有关刘轲的研究可谓寥寥无几,屈指可数。本文以刘轲散文创作为主要研究对象,通过对刘轲生平事迹、文章特色的探究, 分析其与韩、柳倡导的古文运动及唐代散文发展之间的关系,更好了解其人其文,全面深入把握唐代古文创作的丰富韵味。文章分绪论、正文、结语三大部分。绪论部分介绍论文的选题价值和意义,对历来关于刘轲的学术研究进行概括综述,并对论文的整体框架结构作出交代。正文部分共分三章,第一章总体概括刘轲创作时代背景及其生平事迹;第二章着重从内容、创作手法等方面分类介绍刘轲散文,结合其相关作品, 与同时代散文大家韩愈、柳宗元等人作品进行略比, 具体分析其散文成就并给予评价; 第三章集中介绍刘轲研究中的几个疑点,主要是与刘轲相关的其他创作,即诗歌和小说。结语部分重点归纳刘轲为人与治学,对全文刘轲研究进行总结。关键词:刘轲生平经历散文韩愈柳宗元研究华中科技大学硕士学位论文 II Abstract Ke Liu, a proser and historian in the middle period of tang dynasty, is the practitioner of theory of ancient prose proposed by Yu Han and Zhongyuan Liu. Dingbao Wang, who was born in late tang, spoke highl y of Ke Liu in his work ta ngzhiyan, which is recorded that Ke Liu has parable reputation with Han and Liu. The novel Niu Yang Calendar, thought to be Ke Liu’s work, is concerning with controversy between li party and niu party and poses greater influence. Ke Liu had a lot of works all through his life, however, for the sake of history erosion, very few survived and leaves us restricts to know him better. In this paper, Ke Liu’s prose creation is mainly studied, with the aim of understanding the relationship between his life, article feat ure and ancient prose movement and prose of the tang dynasty, as well as lingering charm of ancient prose movement. The paper is divided into three parts, preface, text and conclusion. In the preface part, previous researches on Ke Liu are summarized. In the text part, Ke Liu’s lif e, creating techniques compared with Han and Liu and his various ty pes of works such as poetry and novels are concerned respectively. In the end, summariza tion of study on Ke Liu is also given in the conclusion part. Key words : Ke Liu, life, prose, Yu Han, Zongyuan,Liu, study 3 独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研