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文档介绍:: .

50. According to Dr. White , what should the government do to build more green
spaces in cities ?
A) Find financial support.
B) Improve urban planning.
C) Involve local residents in the effort.
D) Raise public awareness of the issue.
Passage Two
A letter written by Charles Darwin in 1875 has been returned to the Smithsonian
Institution Archives (档案馆) by the FBI after being stolen twice.
“We realized in the mid-1970s that it was missing ,” says Effie Kapsalis ,
head of the Smithsonian Institution Archives. “It was noted as missing and likely
taken by an intern , from what the FBI is telling us. Word got out that it was missing
when someone asked to see the letter for research purposes ,” and the intern put
the letter back. “The intern likely took the letter again once nobody was watching
it. ”
Decades passed. Finally the FBI received a tip that the stolen document was
located very close to Washington , . Their art crime team recovered the letter
but were unable to press charges because the time of limitations had ended. The FBI
worked closely with the Archives to determine that the letter was both authentic
and definitely Smithsonian ‘s property.
The letter was written by Darwin to thank an American geologist , Dr. Ferdinand
Vandeveer Hayden , for sending him copies of his research into the geology of the
region that would become Yellowstone National Park.
The letter is in fairly good condition , in spite of being out of the care of
trained museumstaff for so long. “It was luckily in good shape,” says Kapsalis ,
“ and we just have to do some minor things in order to be able to unfold it. It
has some glue on it that has colored it slightly , but nothing that will prevent
us from using it. After it is repaired , we will take digital photos of it and that
will be available online. One of our goals is to get