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英 语 试 卷
26. It’s useful suggestion. I like it.
A. / B. a C. an D. the
27. --- Can I borrow your dictionary? is left at home.
--- Here you are.
A. Mine B. Yours C. Your D. My
28. We talked about the problem and Tim doing some research first.
A. finished B. enjoyed C. suggested D. practiced
29. My dear teacher, we are very for all your love and patience.
A. useful B. helpful C careful D. thankful
30. Nowadays, some robots are very human-like. They walk and dance.
A. can B. must C. need D. have to
31. The nurse won’t leave her patients she’s sure they are all taken good care of.
A. since B. because C. unless D. if
32. The English contest last week. Li Ping won the first place.
A. is held B. is being held C. was held D. will be held
33. My parents said they would come to see me. I couldn’t to see them after months away from home.
A. wait B. help C. expect D. afford
34. As long as all the Chinese people pull together, our China Dream will .
A. come out B. come true C. come up D. come down
35. I’m planning a trip to the beach tomorrow, but still can’t decide .
A. where I’m going B. how I’m going to get there
C. why I’m planning it D. when I’m planning it
Ⅵ. 完形填空
On the first day of school, Socrates(格拉底) told his students, "Today, we'll only learn one thing, that is to stretch(前伸) for your 36 , then try to swing(甩动) them backward." He showed them and as a 37 all the students laughed. "Sir, is it also learned?" one of the students laughed.
"Of course! You think this is a simple thing, but it is difficult." Socrates replied 38 . Hearing this, the students laughed 39 harder.
40 being a little angry, Socrates said, "In this class I'll teach you how to learn this action well. After that, start today, and you will do it 100 times a
41 ."
10 day