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英 语 试 卷
1.- Can I speak to Ken?
- _____ I’ll go and see if I can find her.
Take your time. on a minute.
C. Who’s that? D. Of course.
2. If you are in trouble, don’t ____ to ask Mike for help; heisalways willing to lend a hand.
dream B. appeal
C. hesitate D. bend
3. As long as you have a clear ____ in study and work hard for it, you will achieve it.
A. target B. function
C. power D. environment
4. If you are ____ a food or drink, you can remove it from your diet.
A. cautious about B. allergic to
C. satisfied with D. fond of
5. It wasmy confidence for public speaking that I took the course, not to improve
performance in examinations.
A. building B. to build
C. build D. to have built
6. —Is there any power left in your cell phone? Mine is dying.
—Oh, sorry! There is _____ left in my cell phone, either.
anything B. no one
C. none D. nothing
7. the tower building, where you see the whole city.
on the top of you climb to
you reach the top of D. Get to the top of
8. — Where are my new sneakers? Have you seen them?
— How _______ I know? I’m your sister, not your servant.
A. shall B. should
C. will D. might
Frequently single-parent children ____ some of the responsibilities that the absent adult in
the house would have served.
take off B. take after
C. take in D. take on
are always short of water to drink, ______ less to bathe in.
A. much B. too
C. rather D. no
11.-Am I bothering you?
-No. _____, I like you to accompany me.
A. In a nutshell B. On the other hand
C. In the end D. On the contrary
12. His sister had become a teacher, ______ was what he wanted to be.
A. which B. wha