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托福试题:TPO 17【精选】独立写作满分作文.doc

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托福试题:TPO 17【精选】独立写作满分作文.doc

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托福试题:TPO 17【精选】独立写作满分作文.doc


文档介绍:题:TPO 17 独立写作满分作文智课网出品 TPO, 全称 TOEFL Practice Online, 是 ET S 有偿提供给考生的托福备考材料,是 ET S 之前考过的托福试题, 对于托福考生考前模拟和复****具有很大的价值, 智课网为大家带来托福 TPO 17 独立写作试题并附托福作文范文及托福满分作文答题要点,考生们要认真备考。托福 TPO 17 独立写作试题: Most advertisements make products seem much better than they really are. 托福满分作文- 范文赏析: With the development of public media, more and more advertisements appear on television programs, newspapers or magazines. Advertisements exert great influences on people when we think of buying something. As for me, I strongly agree that most advertisements make the products seem much better than what they really are because of the initial aim of advertising, the artistry and celebrity effects of advertisements. 内容详细条目段落此段结构首段, 首句写了背景, 即大众媒体的发展让媒体上出现了更多的广告。之后指出广告对于我们购物的影响很大。之后提出了自己的观点, 即非常同意大多数广 the first place, advertisements are used to persuade people to buy more products, and most of them only publicize the advantages of the products and ignore the disadvantages. Last summer, my mother watched a piece of amazing advert on television. In the advertisement, a man squeezed juice, made ice cream, and even minced meat with this machine. She bought the machine without any hesitation. To her disappointment, the processor broke down only after a couple of days. My mother had to pay extra money to change the cutter head. She regretted why she bought the product only because of the advertisement even without givin