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上传人:cnanjringh 2020/11/22 文件大小:28 KB




文档介绍:Unit 9 My favorite subject is science。
Grammar Focus教案
Teaching aims:
Learn to talk about Ss’ favorite subjects and give reasons.
Learn to talk about Ss’ favorite things and give reasons。
Teaching focus and difficulties:
——-What's your favorite… (subject, color, city…)?
—-—My favorite…is…
-——Why do you like…?
-—-Because it’s…
—--Who is your…teacher…?
--—Mr。 /Miss…
Teaching aids:
tape recorder, slides
Teaching method:
task-based conversation
Teaching steps:
Step 1 Warming—up and revision
Daily greeting
Step 2 Game-—Grammar focus
T: I think games are interesting. Let’s play a guessing game.
A come here and have a look at a note in the box. Then ask others questions: What’s Mary’s favorite subject? Why does she like it?
Others try to find the answer by guessing like this: Is…her favorite subject? Is her favorite subject…?…
A: What's Mary’s favorite subject?
S1: Is Chinese her favorite subject?
A: No, it isn’t。
S2: Is English her favorite subject?
A: No, it isn’t。
S: Is math her favorite subject?
A: Yes, it is。 Why does she like it?
S: Because it is relaxing?
A: No, it isn’t.
Step 3 Presentation
T: What's your favorite subject?
S: My favorite subject is (math)?
T: Why do you like (math)?
S: Because it is (interesting).
T: I'm your English teacher. Who is your math teacher?
S: Mr。/Mrs。/Miss…is


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