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文档介绍:6B Unit 7 Summer holiday plans
1。 理解文章大意,清楚的知道每位文中人物的暑期计划,并能流利地朗读文章;
2。 认识,会读,会说,会写单词Disneyland, Ocean Park, London, sound, Taipei;
3. 通过学****能当堂正确完成课后的Read and write练****br/>4. 通过学****能选择一两个人物进行复述;
5. 懂得制定计划是一个好****惯,并养成文明出行的好****惯.
教学重点:目标1 2
教学难点:目标2 4
教学准备: PPT, 板书,学案
Step 1 Free talk
1。 T: Hi, boys and girls. I’m your new teacher today。 First let me know more about you。
What’s your name?
How old are you?
What good habits do you have?
Do you have a healthy?
2。 T: Thanks, boys and girls。 I know you well. Do you want to know about me?
Ss: Yes。
T: OK, I'll say something about me。 Please listen carefully and after it, you have to answer me some questions about me。 OK?
Ss: OK.
T: I am Miss Lu. My English name is Summer. I’m 30 years old。 I drink a lot of water every day and eat only a little sweet food。 I always keep my house clean and tidy。 I always follow the traffic rules on the road. I love my country very much and I want to go to Beijing。 This is me. Do you want to make friends with me?
OK, please answer me Q1: How old am I?
Q2: Do I have a healthy diet?
Q3: What good habits do I have?
Guess, which season do I like? Why?
Guess again, where will I go this summer?
Step 2 Presentation
1. T: Yes。 I will go to Beijing this summer. I will go to see Tianan Men Square, the Great Wall and t