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文档介绍:barren land could produce little food.
2. The room was dark and I bumped my head against the door.
3. He devised a new method for teaching the blind.
4. My wife’s been exerting a lot of pressure on me to change my job.
5. The king’s younger brother took part in the intrigue to make himself king.
6. The book’s unusual title intrigued me into reading it.
8. He placed his right hand on the Bible as he spoke the oath of office.
9. They had to postpone their trip because of rain.
10. The cat took refuge from the dog behind a tree.
11. It took her a long time to regain her health.
12. Their hope of finding him alive was shattered when his dead body was found.
13. At school, the other children always teased me because I was fat.
14. He tilted his chair back too far and fell on the floor.
15. Do you have the English version of this book?
16. Your version of the accident differs from that of the other witness.
17. His belief that he was too clever to be caught in his wrongdoing was absurd.
18. After ten years his alien speech was still noticeable.
19. She is an amicable girl and gets along with everyone in the office.
20. In most countries the sale of liquor to children is banned.
21. “the sweet temper” is a figurative expression, but “sweet coffee” is not.
22. Her wedding ring is made of genuine diamond.
23. They hoist the national flag at six o’clock every moring.
24. The newspaper gave an incorrect account of the traffic accident.
25. The house was built on a massive rock.
26. There was only a piece of stale cake left in the refrigerator.
27. Most flowers will not thrive without water and sunshine.
28. They buy at wholesale and sell at retail.
29. The baby is always annoying his sister by pulling her hair.
30. We celebrated Christmas with trees and presents.
31. The unsociable person is hardly fit for a diplomat.
32. It is impossible to foresee whether she’ll be well enough to come home from hospital next month.
33. We couldn’t induce