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文档介绍:中文摘要当代大学生的社会自我意识培育迷离导致自我意识的结构性缺失,这种结构缺失的外化行为表现就是对个人及相关小圈子利益的注重和对社会责任感的疏离。本文不以现象论现象,而是追溯源头—从认识论的高度探求大学生责任感淡漠的历史根源和现实根源,从根本上解决问题,以图促进大学生社会责任感的重新架构。青年学生自我意识结构性缺失所导致的对社会责任感的逃避原由,不仅有现实根源,还有历史根源,实际上是一种现实和历史作用的合力。历史根源是以血缘关系为纽带的传统宗法社会所形成的根深蒂固的“小家”观念及“不偏不倚”的处世理念,现实根源则是基于社会中对个人与社会关系缺乏正确认识所导致的行为短视。据此,本文认为应相对应地从认识和实践两个角度对大学生的自我意识进行改造,提供大学生自我意识调整的土壤,培育其社会责任意识,从而实现自我意识的完善与升华。对于当代大学生社会责任感的培育问题,国内外许多专家学者都进行了卓有成效的研究,但遗憾的是,一方面,他们更注重于横向的就事论事,缺乏纵向的历史考察,另一方面,他们对自我意识的探究浅尝辄止,没有深入的探索与阐释。所以,作者选择了自我意识为切入点,对大学生社会责任感缺失进行现实和历史的考察,力求真正实现自我意识的完善,促进青年学生社会责任感的培育。本文包括三大部分。第一部分:在引入自我意识,社会责任感等概念的基础上,对当代大学生社会责任感现状进行了总结;第二部分: 从纵向即历史传统的角度和横向即现实社会影响的角度对青年学生社会责任感淡漠的原因进行了阐释;第三部分:通过大学生自我意识的完善,西方社会责任感教育理念的借鉴,对社会责任感培育进行了实践层面的探索。关键词:大学生,自我意识,结构性缺失,社会责任感,培育 Abstract Contemporary university students' social self- consciousness fosters the misted structural disappearance which causes self- consciousness, the outside that structure lack take behavior it displays to be to it pays attention to be and estranged to social responsibility to individual and inner circle of people interests. This text does not judge the phenomenon by phenomenon, but trace back to the source --Seek university student's historical origin with indifferent sense of duty and realistic origin from the standing of epistemology, solve the problem fundamentally, attempt to promote university students to leap from self- reality to the self- thought of the ideal. Young student self- consciousness structural escape reason to social responsibility that disappearance lead to the fact, not merely having a realistic origin, there are historical origins, in fact it is resultant of forces of a kind of reality and historical action. On with deep-rooted "little house" idea that blood relationship is form for patriarchal clan system society of the tie historical origin, the realistic origin is to lack the correct behavior