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上传人:读书百遍 2020/11/27 文件大小:39 KB




[论文摘要]: 在社会多元化、政治民主化和城市现代化推进下 ,小区居民参与逐步成为中国城市小区建设新专题和新动力,居民参与在小区建设中占有很关键地位作用。一个有活力,有发明力,有效率小区,全部是居民参与率相对较高小区。居民能够主动参与小区事务,说明她把自己利益和小区命运紧密联络在一起了,把小区当成了自己家,这是小区建设活力,小区建设基础,小区建设源泉。本文关键以水挂庄小区为个案研究、分析小区居民参与现实状况、作用及怎样深入拓展居民在小区建设中参与面。
[关键词]:居民参与  居民自治  小区建设 
The promoter function of the inhabitant participates
to the constructs of the community
---Take Shui Guazhuang community in Lanzhou as case research
Abstract:In the social multiplication, the political democratization and under the city modernization advancement, the community inhabitants participation gradualybecome the new subject and the new power which the Chinese city community constructs, the inhabitant participation in the community construct hold the extremely important status vigor, has creativity, the effective community,is the all inhabitant participation rate relative high communityThe inhabitant canparticipate in the community business on own initiative,explained he own benefitand community's destiny close relates in,has regarded as together the communityown family, this is vigor which the community constructs, the foundation whichcommunity constructs,the fountainhead which thecommunity articlemainly by the community of the Shui Guazhuang present situation, how the function
which for the case research,the analysis community inha


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