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文档介绍:武汉理工大学硕士学位论文 Abst ract Two noticeable development trends have appeared in the international economy during t11e21 iseconomy globalization andtheotheriS transnational corporation’S mergers andacquisitions(M&A)extending abroad which hascaused thetideofM&A inglobality two trendsare influencing theeconomy ofvarious countries. Obviously,the topic ofthisessay iSstudy M&A thatiS afoCUSquestion in thecontemporary world economic globalenterprises have ahistory ofmorethan 100years OfM&A andhave already happened six timesofM&A tide SO inertiaof itsM&A iSinfluenced and iSagitated will exert influence totheintemational economy,including China’S ,overall and deeplyanalyzing thecharacteristic,the reason,the performance have important directive significance to accelerating China’S economy paces,impelling theChinese enterprises toimplement internationalized management strategy,tackling the challenge ofWTO and improving the petitiveness. This essay insists on taking Marxism asguideandfully absorbsand draws lessons from the helpful content contemporary western ofhistoryanalysis and instance analysis,some important problems have been probed intoomni—directionally, suchas the current situationofdomestic M& enterprises M&A, theriskmanagement oftransnational M&A andthemerger strategy afterM&A. Analyze and summarize tlleexperience and lessons of western developed countries,especially .,and then propose thepolicies and measures of Chinese enterpriseM& transnational M&A. T11isproposition proceeds fromtheoryquality,practicability and strives to bebriefandconcise,outstanding quantitative analysis and and discuss thetheory ofM&A indomestic enterprises and abroad enterprises through using forreference of overseas theenterprises inChina and abroad forexample,prop


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