God help us. Why does fate play such tricks with poor, helpless worms? I never hear of such a case as this that I do not think of Baxter's words, and say, 'There, but for the grace of God, goes Sherlock Holmes.'.—— The Boscombe Valley Mystery
We reach. We grasp. And what is left in our hands at the end? A shadow. Or worse than a shadow — misery.—— The Retired Colorman
那是灯塔, 我伙计!未来灯塔!每一座灯塔里全部装满千百颗光辉灿烂小种子,未来英国在她们这一代将愈加明智富强。——《海军协定》
Light-houses, my boy! Beacons of the future! Capsules with hundreds of bright little seeds in each, out of which will spring the wise, better England of the future.—— The Naval Treaty
……啊,玫瑰花这东西多么可爱啊!……天下事没有比宗教更需要推理法了。……推理法可能被推理学者们逐步树立为一门精密学科。根据推理法,据我看来,我们对上帝仁慈最高信仰,就是寄托于鲜花之中。因为一切其它东西:我们本事,我们愿望,我们食物,这一切首先全部是为了生存需要。而这种花朵就迥然不一样了。它香气 和它色泽全部是生命点缀,而不是生存条件。只有仁慈才能产生这些不凡品格。所以我再说一遍,人类在鲜花中寄托着巨大期望。
What a lovely thing a rose is!……There is nothing in which deduction is so necessary as in religion,……It can be built up as an exact science by the reasoner. Our highest assurance of the goodness of Providence seems to me to rest in the flowers. All other things, our powers our desires, our food, are all really necessary for our existence in the first instance. But this rose is an extra. Its smell and its color are an embellishment of life, not a condition of it. It is only goodness which gives extras, and so I say again that we have much to hope from the flowers. —— The Naval Treaty
Good old Watson! You are the one fixed point in a changing age. There's an east wind coming all the same, such a wind as never blew on England yet. It will be cold and bitter, Watson, and a good many of us may with