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文档介绍:Lesson 3 Lesson 3 supplementary Reading: Maybe supplementary Reading: Maybe developing nations are not developing nations are not emerging but have emerged emerging but have emerged Para 1 Para 1 ?? In the new world, the so-called emerging In the new world, the so-called emerging economies is economies is (where most of the growth now (where most of the growth now resides) resides) . . ??在当前的新世界,所谓的新兴经济体也就是在当前的新世界,所谓的新兴经济体也就是那些大部分增长聚集的地方。那些大部分增长聚集的地方。 Para 2 Para 2 ?? The chart shows The chart shows (the most recent annual real (the most recent annual real rates of increase in GDP) rates of increase in GDP) in six major in six major developed economies around the world developed economies around the world : the : the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, Japan and the Euro-zone, Japan and the Euro-zone, ……??上图显示了(包括美国、英国、加拿大、澳大上图显示了(包括美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本和欧元区在内的)六个主要发达经利亚、日本和欧元区在内的)六个主要发达经济体济体近年来的实际近年来的实际 GDP GDP 年增长率年增长率, ,……?? Rates of increase in GDP/CPI Rates of increase in GDP/CPI ?? Growth rates of China Growth rates of China ’’ s GDP s GDP ??……, , the countries the countries that use euro as their that use euro as their currency currency although although they remain politically they remain politically independent. independent. ??其中欧元区是指那些尽管政治上保持独立其中欧元区是指那些尽管政治上保持独立但统一使用欧元作为货币的国家。但统一使用欧元作为货币的国家。 Para 3 Para 3 ?? The leader in the group is the United States, The leader in the group is the United States, with a with a year-over-year year-over-year growth rate of almost 3 growth rate of almost 3 percent. percent. ?? That is hardly soaring, but it is respectable. That is hardly soaring, but it is respectable. ??这个集团的领头羊是美国,经济这个集团的领头羊是美国,经济每年同比增每年同比增长长约约3% 3% 。。??这个增长速度不能算是很快的,但却是值得这个增长速度不能算是很快的,但却是值得称道的。称道的。?? Then the chart shows the rates of 24 Then the chart shows the rates of 24 developing countries in Asia, Eastern Europe developing countries in Asia, Eastern Europe


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