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上传人:glfsnxh 2020/12/2 文件大小:29 KB




  Name: graduates Nationality: Chinese Current location: Guangzhou National: Han Account Address: Shaoguan stature: 158 cm kg Marital Status: Single Age: 23 years old Training and Certification: Integrity Badges: Job intentions and work experience Talent Type: General Job Position: Foreign Language Class: Translation, trade categories: foreign trade salesman, Work Experience: 1 Title: No Title Job type: Full-time Date Available: anytime Salary requirements: 20XX - 3500 hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhejiang, Personal Work Experience: Company Name: on two occasions to participate in the "Hong Kong International Jewelry Show," beginning and ending Clear :20XX-03 ~ 20XX-06 Company nature: Industry: Positions: Job Description: - Reason for leaving: Company Name: Seven Good Jewelry Group International Co., Ltd. beginning and ending Clear :20XX-08 ~ 20XX-07 Company nature: Industry: Positions: Translation and foreign trade salesman Job Description: Reason for leaving: Education Graduate institutions: Shaoguan University Institute of Foreign Languages Supreme Education: Bachelor graduation date: 20XX-07-01 Learned professional one: English education in the professional study 2: By the education and training experience: the termination of Clear Start Clear School professional to obtain the certificate Certificate No. 20XX-0920XX-


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