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文档介绍:Download from Wow! eBook <>
Table of Contents
Part I: Orientating SharePoint Governance
1. Understanding SharePoint Governance
Part II: Defining the SharePoint Service
2. Defining Your SharePoint Service and Service Tiers
3. Determining Your SharePoint Features and Functionality
4. Establishing Your Team's Roles and Responsibilities
5. Shaping Your SharePoint Readiness and End-User Training
6. Measuring and Reporting on Your SharePoint Service Performance
Part III: Expanding the SharePoint Service
7. Creating Your SharePoint Roadmap
8. Promoting a Feedback Process
9. Managing Your SharePoint Demand Funnel
10. Growing Your SharePoint Service
11. Preparing for SharePoint Upgrades and Patches
Part IV: Customizing the SharePoint Service
12. Committing Sponsorship and Ownership of Customizations
13. Facilitating and Isolating End-User Customizations
14. Designing Your Development Standards and Testing Processes
15. Framing Your Information Architecture and User Interface Design Standards
16. Coordinating Your Code Promotion and Release Processes
17. Rapid Concepts
The following chapters are present: 1,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Table of Contents 1
Understanding SharePoint
All es from daring to begin.
- Alexander Graham Bell
In this opening chapter, I introduce the book and define the term governance,
as used in this book. Throughout this chapter, I will emphasize attitudes and
practices as part of a governance process that goes beyond simply filling out a
document template. As we progress through this chapter and the rest of the
book, I highlight places where I have panies benefit from certain
processes, and where they have faced challenges. From there, I provide a
roadmap of the book by introducing each of the parts and chapters that follow.
This overview introductory chapter frames the book for you and helps set
your expectations on how this book unfolds. It also provides you with