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上传人:喜好问题 2020/12/4 文件大小:25 KB




Part one:姐妹相认 A: Annie H: Hallie
A:I mean, think about it. I only have a mother and you only have a father. You’ve never seen your mom and I’ve never seen my dad. You have one old picture of your mom and I have one old picture of my dad. But at least yours is probably a whole picture. Mine is a pathetic little thing all crinkled and ripped right down the middle and…… What are you rummaging in your trunk for?
H: This. It’s a picture of my mom and it’s ripped too.
A: Right down the middle?
H: Right down the middle.
A: This is so……freaky. Ok. On the count of three, we’ll show them to each other, okay?
H: Okay.
A: One
H: Two
Together: Three
H: That’s my dad.
A: That’s my mom. That’s the lunch bell.
H: I’m not so hungry anymore. So if if your mom is my mom and my dad is
your dad and we’re both born on October 11 then you and I are like like
A: Sisters? Hallie, we’re like twins.
H: I just don’t know what to say.
A: What’s that you’re holding?
H: My locket. I got it when I was born. It has an “H” on it.
A: I got mine when I was born, too except mine has an “A” on it.
H: Ooh, now I’ve got goose bumps. My God, so I’m not an only child. I’m a twin. I’m a twin there’s two of me. I mean, two of us. This is like……
A: Mind boggling.
H: Totally.
A: Completely. H: Oh my God. A: Oh my God.
Part two: 吵架
A:Annie M:bad woman
M: Being in lo


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