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文档介绍:Chapter 6: Ina BCG Matrix, all divisions are called question marks, stars, cash cows or dogs. Define each of these terms. Question Marks — Divisions in Quadrant Ⅰ have a low relative market share position, yet pete ina high-growth industry. Generally these firms ’ cash needs are high and their cash generation is low. These businesses are called Question Marks because anization must decide whether to strengthen them by pursuing an intensive strategy or to sell them. Stars — Quadrant Ⅱ businesses represent anization's best long-run opportunities for growth and profitability. Divisions with a high relative market share and a high industry growth rate should receive substantial investment to maintain or strengthen their dominant positions. Forward, backward, and horizontal integration; market ration; market development; and product development are appropriate strategies for these divisions to consider. Cash Cows — Divisions positioned in Quadrant Ⅲ have a high relative market share position pete ina low-growth industry. Called Cash Cows because they generate cash in excess of their needs, they are often milked. Many of today ’ s Cash Cows were yesterday ’ s Stars. Cash Cow divisions should be managed to maintain their strong position for as long as possible. Product development or concentric diversification may be attractive strategies for strong Cash Cows. However, asa Cash Cow di


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