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商务国际旅行社有限公司 旅游产品销售.doc

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商务国际旅行社有限公司 旅游产品销售.doc



文档介绍:Outbound tourists ’ selection criteria for choosing all-inclusive package tours Original Research Article Tourism Management This study was designed to identify important selection factors for all-inclusive package tours as perceived by outbound tourists — residents normally in Hong Kong. A total of 30 selection criteria were identified in this study, with the safety of the tour being viewed as the most important item for package tours selection, followed by the possibility of departing essfully and the service quality offered by the travel agency. By using factor analysis, eight dimensions for package tours selection were derived, namely, tour arrangement and service quality , attractions, hotels and airlines, TV promotions and customer care, routing, personal interests, word-of-mouth, and time. Results of independent sample t -test and one-way ANOVA revealed that travel -related behaviors were significantly related to the choice of all-inclusive package tours . mendations for travel agencies, included safety and ‘ guarantees ’ of departure, training for escorts and tour -guides, and customer care services, will, it is argued, enhance the attractiveness of package tours and petitiveness. This study attempts to identify the variety of marketing channel efficiencies for marketing activities and sets up an optimal marketing distribution mix when using different distribution chann