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The Supply of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Among US Firms
Corporate social responsibility CSR activity is an area of intense and increasing interest both on the practice and academic fronts Investor interest in rms that engage in these activities has grown dramatically Between 1995 and 2005 investmeiits of professionally managed assets grew
from 7 trillion to 244 trillion while the share of these assets invested i n socially responsible i investments grew from 639 bi Ilion to 229 tril lion Social Investment Forum [SIF] 2006 At the same time large institutional investors and mult i s takehol der groups - in eluding the UN Principles for Responsible Investment project the Global Reporting Initiative GRI 2006 and the CERES a coal ition of investors and public interest groups - have focused attention on the material i ty of social and env ironmen tai information to equity analysis The magnitude and growth of socially responsible investing SRI assets has driven an equally dramatic growth in the need for information The objective of this study is to document the disclosure patterns of CSR by US rms
Tnvestors are not the on 1 y interested parties CSR activity provides an increasing focus of product development and marketing practitioners Research demonstrates that certain types of CSR activity produce value for rms in terms of brand loyalty and marketing advantages Brown and Dacin 1997 Sen and Bhattacharya 2001 As Handleman and Arnold 1999 p 36 notein any community it is common to nd retai 1 ers donating to local charities sponsoring little league sports teams and proudly displaying the nstiomil ag These actions demonstrate the retailers adherence to unwrit ten but powerful normative rules of accep table social conduct such as becoming involved with the community and promoting national pride
Whi1e the question of what exactly motivates rms to engage in CSR practices is a matter for ongoing resea


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