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文档介绍:Corporate Culture isanImportant Source petitive Advantage 1. Introduction Where petitive advantage means asuperior pared petitors,it isrelated toalong petitive advantage during the corporation ’sdevelopment astohelp the corporation maintain ahigher profit than the average level ofthe industry inalong ,if acorporation wants toobtain ahigher profit than the average level ofthe industry and makes asustainable development,it should have petitive ,the research onthis field has e ahot topic. Many researchers have examined corporate culture asasource petitive pointed out inhis book “The Corporate Culture Survival Guide:Sense and Nonsense About Culture Change ”anizational culture isvery important asitcan decide the strategic target and the operation pattern Kotter and professor Heskett from Harvard University have studied the correlativity between corporate culture and the long term profit ofthe explained intheir book “Corporate Culture and Performance ”that corporate culture means alot toacorporation ’slong term profit. and anizational culture ’s effect onthe innovation ability guang-ming presented inhis paper “Core value isthe primary productivity ”that corporate culture isthe primary tothe previous research onthis field,we present tha


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