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文档介绍:Idioms Myth MY ENGLISH COMPOSITION 马丽 1 Impact of Greek Mythology on Western Culture ? Greek mythology 's impact on modern societies cannot be underestimated. Modern language, industry, arts and culture all demonstrate the impact of Greek mythology in today 's world. For example, most people who have no formal knowledge of Greek mythology still know that Hercules was a strongman and that Venus (the Roman version of the Greek Aphrodite) is the goddess of love. 2 Cultural Impact Science Literature Language Language 3 Advertisement 4 Idioms & Myth Games ments Idioms the sword of Damocles Have a sense of anxiety, of impending doom. 5 ? King Dionysius invited Damocles, his ministers, for dinner, ordered him to sit with a horsehair hanging a gleaming sword, the resulting foreign idiom, which means it is in a state of crisis, "Pro Jedi does not weaken." Or at any time there is a sense of crisis, hearts sounded the alarm. 6 Cupid ’ s bow(Lead & Golden) Idioms & Myth Games ments Idioms Cupid is the son of Venus, the goddess of beauty, he is a little angel wings sticking out, holding a bow, he manufactured love with bows and arrows, as long as he shot a person. He will not help in love. Therefore. Cupid's bow is “ joking red line "," love Golden Arrow "in English. 7 as shy as Daphne Idioms & Myth Games ments Idioms As shy as Daphne , the girl is always coy of speech in public. 这女孩非常羞怯,在公共场合总是窘得说不出话来。 8 Win/Gain Laurels Idioms & Myth Games ments Idioms Look to One's Laurels: 爱惜名声;保持记录 Rest on One's Laurels: 坐享清福;光吃老本 9 Daphne & Apollo Idioms & Myth Games ments Idioms Pandora ’ s box a source of many unforeseen troubles 10


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