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文档介绍:Comprehension Test 阅读理解
Robin Hood侠盗罗宾汉
Joh n Escott (著)
Are these sentences true (T) or false (F) 判断以下句子正确(T)或错误(
a Prince Joh n always wants people to pay more taxes.
b Robin lives in Nott in gham.
c Little John fights Robin when he meets him.
d Friar Tuck is very fat.
e A young girl kills Sir Guy Gisborne ' s deer.
f The winner of the shooti ng con test can get a silver cup.
g Robin does the shooti ng con test as an old man.
h Lady Marian wants to marry Sir Guy Gisborne.
Lady Marian loves Robin.
j Friar Tuck marries Robin and Marian.
20 marks
Put the following events in the story in the right order. Number them 1
a Maria n goes into the forest.
b Robin loses his house.
c Robin fights John Little.
d There is a shooti ng con test in Nott in gham.
e Maria n fights Rob in.
f Robin wins the shoot ing con test.
g Prince Joh n tells the Sheriff of Nott in gham to find Rob in of
h Robin and Marian get married.
i Friar Tuck puts Robin in the river.
j John Little changes his name to Little John.
20 marks
Who says this Sir Guy Gisborne, Little John, Marian, Robin. Friar
Prince John 用适合的词填空。
a ‘ Take their houses and ani mals away! '
b 'I can help you out of the water. '
c ' Now you can carry me.'
d ' I must win the con test. '
e ' This Rob in Hood likes to win.
f ' I don ' t have my silver arrow. g ' I want to marry your daughter. h ' I can n ever marry him! ' i ' Robin Hood isn ' t a thief.
j ' We must fight for everything that is good and right.
20 marks
a does his brother ' s work
b has a big house - but loses it
c is a frie nd of Sir Guy Gisbor ne
d is very fat
e kills a deer
f likes to win
gis the best man with a bow and arrow - after Robin
h dresses as an old man
i is Marian ' s father
j marries Marian
20 marks
在B部分中选择合适的序号与 A搭
5 Match a word from A with a definition from B.
a a man who works for the Catholic church


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