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文档介绍:英语学习指南作业姓名: 王靖年级: 10 秋英语专学号: 10********** Questions: 1. What is your own reason for wanting to learn English? Move toa new job; help my child to learn English; use English in my work 2. Why are the tutorials important? Give three main reasons. W orking with other people isa good way to keep up your motivation and can provide opportunities to practice the language with others. Y ou can ask the tutor for help and you can also discuss your difficulties with your fellow students. Tutors will be able to give you advice, extra language practice and moral support. 3. What can do so that you don ’t feel you are alone in your study? Find study partners; S tay in touch with your tutors; C ontact us at the Central Radio and TV University. 4. Why do you need to keep a record of your learning process? Give at least two reasons. G et to know where your students are strong and where they are weak in their course study so that you can make better tutorial preparations and provide them with the leaning support that they need and expect. Develop a problem-solution-oriented tutoring style in your distance teaching process so that you can achieve a better teaching effect. 5. How long do you think it will take you to finish the Programme? It will normally take you three years to finish the you work harder, you might be able to finish it in two years. 区别一: old 通常的比较级和最高级分别是 older, olde


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