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文档介绍:H 4 B C D E F G A H ISO K ISO M ISO P ISO N ISO S ISO H P M K N S H Parting and grooving Threading Milling Drilling Boring Tool holding Turning Machinability Other information Workpiece materials Workpiece materials Six main groups The ISO standard material groups are divided into six different types. Each type has unique properties regarding machinability and setups that make different demands on the tool. Steel Stainless steel Cast iron Heat Resistant Super Alloys Hardened material Aluminum The largest variety of different types of components is probably in the P-area as it covers several different sectors in the industry. The aircraft industry and manufactur- ers of aluminum automotive wheels dominate the N-area. In the M-area, a big part of the applica- tion is in gas and oil, tubes, flanges, process industry and the pharmaceuti- cal business. Difficult to machine S-area materials are found in the aerospace, gas turbine and power generator industries. The K-area is dominated by automotive components, the machine builders and the iron works production. Hardened materials in the H-area are seen in a variety of industries such as automotive and their subcontractors, as well as in machine builders and the die and mold business. H 8 B C D E F G A H P M K N H S Parting and grooving Threading Milling Drilling Boring Tool holding Turning Machinability Other information ? The interaction between an optimized geometr y and grade for a certain work- piece material is the key for a ess- ful machining process. ? These three basic factors must be con - sidered carefully and adapted for each machining operation. ? The knowledge and understanding of how to wor k with and adjust these fac- tors is of vital importance. Within each material group there are subgroups depending on the hardness of the material, k c1 value, and metallurgical and mechanical properties. * MC = A new material classification that replaces the CMC (Coromant Material Clas


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