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文档介绍:gender differences
ancient time:
In the ancient time, it is a matriarchal society.
(母系社会)Because woman could give birth
to the babies. In some pictures, we can see man
was stay at home looking after the child,
cooking while woman was carrying a stone go
hunting. This show that at the time, woman, is
the real master in family.
The woman was dancing.
Woman is the goddess of hunting.
Slave society:
Because of the development of the productive forces,
Physical labor becomes more and more important .
patrilineal society(父系社会) gradually replaced the
matriarchal society. The men engaged in agricultural
production, while women are gradually took over the
In the slave society, A large number of female slaves
were sold to noblemen’s home as Odalisque.(婢妾)
At that time women's social status is low, man stand
up and be master of the society.
春秋时期,是奴隶制社会向封建社会过渡的时期。某日陈国的司寇请问孔子,鲁昭公算不算知礼人,孔子作了肯定的回答。等孔子出门后,司寇对其学生巫吗期说:“我听说君子不相互包庇,原来君子也是相互包庇的呀。鲁昭公姓姬。要做夫人的吴国女子也姓姬,不便称吴姬,就改称吴孟子,冒充宋国之姓(宋姓子)。他要算是知礼人,这天下就没有不知礼的人了。”事后巫吗期告诉孔子,孔子感叹道:“我真幸运,苟有过失人家就一定给指出来。” 这里我们姑且不去看孔子有多么虚心,从司寇的话中可以看到,鲁昭公这么随口一唤,又一位贵族女子的姓消失了。
feudal society:
The ancient name culture is a common phenomenon: married women are two family name --" a wife from the husband's last name". (妻从夫姓) Moreover, her husband's last name is put in the first place.
the three obedience and four virtues (Confucian ethics) imposed on women (三从四德)
未嫁从父: Obey your father when you are single.
既嫁从夫: Obey your husband when (if) you are married.
夫死从子: Obey your son after (if) your husband passes away.
妇德(贞顺): chastity and meekness(moral character)
妇言(辞令): language appropriate to occasion
妇容(婉娩): meek ( manners )
妇功(丝炱): workmanship
three- cun lily feet(三寸金莲)
The woman can 't enter the society, can’t show their face in public
modern time:
Women play an important part in modern society. Now many women are going into professions, such as medicine,


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