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上传人:crh53719 2020/12/14 文件大小:102 KB




文档介绍:Lesson 1 How's the Weather?
1. Here's a radio report ________ the coming week’s weather.
A。 ofﻩB。 in  
C。 toﻩD. by
2。 He arrived in London ________ a cold morning.
A. atﻩB。 on
C. in D。 to
3。 ________ the dinner was all over, everyone helped wash the dishes.
A。 HowﻩB. When
C. BeforeﻩD。 Why
4。 —The radio says it will rain tomorrow。
—________.We'll go hiking tomorrow.
A. Don’t say soﻩB. No, there won't
C. I hope notﻩD. I hope so
5. -I called you at 8:00 last night, but you didn't answer。
-Oh, I ________.
A。 took a shower B. was taking a shower
C。 am taking a shower D. take a shower
6。 She told me the sun ________ in the east.
A。 riseﻩB. rose
C. rises D. raises
7. It was such a long way that they didn't ________ the hotel until it became dark。
A. reach B。 arrive
C。 get
8。 -________ there anything new in today's Qianzhong Morning Daily?
—No. But there ________ some inspiring stories worth reading.
A. Is; isﻩB. Are; are
C。 Is; areﻩD。 Are; is
9。 —It's cold today. I can't stand it. I hope tomorrow won’t be so ________。
—I can’t, either。 But the radio says it will be even ________ tomorrow.
A。 cold; coldﻩB。 cold; colder
C. colder; colder D。 colder; coldest
10. —What's the temperature today?
A. It's 5 o’clock B. It’s Monday today
C。 It's July 6thﻩD. It’s 5 degrees Celsius
11。 The sun ________(set) in the we


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