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文档介绍:单元测试 Tests
They tried hard for a long time and failed_____.
A. first of all B. after all C. in all D. at all
2. How long ago___they____?
A. have, married B. have, been married C. did, get married D. were, married
3. All the students have only one day’s rest each week. That is, they go to school every day___Sunday.
A. except B. expect for C. besides D. on
4. The little girl is too young to___herself.
A. wear B. put on C. have on D. dress
5. ___must have been hard for the lady. She looks much older than her age.
A. The time B. Time C. The times D. Times
6. This problem is not worth____again.
A. to be discussed B. discussing C. being discussed D. to discuss
7. ---Have you____all your debt?
---Yes, we worked day and night to _____.
A. paid off, pay for them B. paid for, pay them
C. paid, pay for them D. paid for, pay them off
8. For years, the old man could not____ the fact of his wife’s death.
A. receive B. refuse C. accept D. understand
9. The new car____me more than 300,000 yuan, but actually it is worth 250,000 yuan____.
A. costs, at the most B. spends, at the least C. pays, at least D. takes, at most
10. My brother said that he would stay here rather than____to the cinema with me.
A. going B. to go C. go D. went
11. ---I’d like to see Mr. White, please?
---Sorry, Mr. White_____.
A. doesn’t any more work here B. doe


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