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文档介绍:英语测试题及答案第1题:The book Ten Thousand Letters, which depicts the HIV/AIDS situation in China's countryside, has won the First Chinese Publications and Media ____________ for the best book of 2004. (分值: 4 得分: 0) AAward BBonus CPrize DReward 正确答案: A 试题解答:无第2题:The dying farmhand said, "I have got what I _________ for taking pity on an evil creature." ( 分值:4 得分:4) Areserve Bdeserve Cobserve Dpreserve 正确答案: B 试题解答:无第3题:Since the chairman is at the center ofa recent scandal, people are now calling on him to ________. (分值: 4 得分: 4) Ago Bstop Cquit Dapologize 正确答案: C 试题解答:无第4题:Scientists nowadays do not adopt __________ attitude towards the benefits of clone. ( 分值:4 得分:4) Aincredulous Binclined Cincorrect Dincluded 正确答案: A 试题解答:无第5题:UNDP (United Nations Development Program) is financed by _____________ contributions from virtually every member of the United Nations and its related agencies. (分值: 4 得分: 4) Awilling Bvolunteer Cvoluntary Dindependent 正确答案: D 试题解答:无第6题:The notion that certain mental or physical events can ____________ attention has been one of the most enduring topics in the study of attention. (分值: 4 得分: 4) Acapture lassify Dconfirm 正确答案: A 试题解答:无第7题:The entire population of the town, though the proposal is to benefit the country, strongly__________ the building of a nuclear power plant there. ( 分值:4 得分:0) Arefuses Bopposes Cdisagrees Dproposes 正确答案: B 试题解答:无第8题:The Senate dr