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文档介绍:西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文第1页摘要近年来,弹塑性分析己成为结构抗震设计的一个重要组成部分,其中静力弹塑性Pushover分析以其实用性较强等优点正在受到越来越多的关注,并己被列为我国的《建筑抗震设计规范(GB 50011-2001)》之中,成为结构弹塑性变形分析的主要方法之一。本文首先介绍了近年来国内外对静力弹塑性Pushover分析方法的发展和研究现状,比较了静力弹塑性Pushover分析方法的优点及有待完善之处。其次论述了静力弹塑性Pushover分析方法的应用背景、目的和主要用途、基本原理以及水平加载模式。然后对常见的静力弹塑性Pushover分析方法进行了论述和分析比较。本文利用SAP2000程序对两个工程实例进行非线性动力时程分析,并利用 ETABS程序对其进行静力弹塑性Pushover分析,得到了时程曲线、基底剪力一项点位移曲线以及能力谱曲线、结构达到性能点时的层间位移和层间位移角、结构达到性能点时的塑性铰发展图,从而发现结构中的薄弱部位,判断结构的抗震承载能力是否能够达到不同地震需求时的性能目标。最后,本文对静力弹塑性Pushover分析方法的研究提出了结论和展望。关键词:静力弹塑性Pushover分析,能力谱,性能点,塑性铰西南交通大学硕士研究生学位论文第1I页 Abstract Nowadays,nonlinear analysis has e an important part of structural seismic design,among which the nonlinear statiC pushover analysi Shas attracted the attention of more and more research for its meri tsofpractical nonlinear static pushover analysis e one ofnonlinear analysis toolS ofChinese seismiC code(GB5001卜2001). Firstly,the thesis describes the development and the present situation of the nonlinear static pushover analysis in the world,pares the advantages and the disadvantages of the nonlinear static pushover ,the background ofapplication,the purpose, the main use,the basical principle and the lateral load pattern ofthe nonlinear static pushover analysis are ,the thesis discusses pares mon nonlinear static pushover analysiS. Inthethesis,the nonlinear dynamic time history analysis isapplied to two frame structures byusing SAP2000 the same time,the nonlinear static pushover analysis isappl led to two frame structures by using ETABS the result,we have got the time history curve,the base shearing force with the displacement of the top point,CSM(capacity spectral method),the story displacement and the story displacement angles when the structure arrives at the performance point,the evolutionary curves of the plastic hinges when the structure arrives at the performance point,SO we can discover theweakness inthe structure,we can also judge whether the