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出国留学 正方辩论资料.docx

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出国留学 正方辩论资料.docx

上传人:daoqqzhuanyongyou2 2020/12/19 文件大小:24 KB


出国留学 正方辩论资料.docx


文档介绍:Study abroad 辩论资料
In recent years, studying abroad has flourished .Hundreds of thousands scholars and students have gone to foreign countries to further their studies. Many people are sparing no efforts in applying for going abroad.
Attending schools abroad has many advantages .In the first place, students who have studies abroad can act
as mediators between people of different cultures so as to promote international understanding
。 Secondly, we
can obtain more advanced knowledge of science and technology from the foreign countries
。Thirdly, we can
enjoy the constant contact with new and various cultures so as to increase the awareness of our own nation's
culture. And the last one is we can master a foreign language in a short time.
In spite of something, the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages.
It is advisable to attend
universities abroad.
With the development of our society and country, more and more people go abroad for their a case of studying in America as an example.
is well-known and no more developed countries than it in the world. We studying there can learn how its people do their business, especially economic and cultural things. We can find out how its people made their economic miracle. also offers us more chances to practice our internati


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