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文档介绍:Analysis of “What Customers Don’t Know Won’t Hurt Them, or Will”
Table of Content
Introduction: 1
1 Attitude and Behavior toward Lying 1
2 Reinforcement Theory and Prediction of Behavior 3
3 Personality Traits and Prediction of Behavior 5
4 Attribution Theory 7
5 Organizational Cultures and Behavior 8
Conclusion: 11
References: 11
Faced with the behavior of Elena, I will give a detailed analysis on “what customers don’t know won’t hurt them, or will”, using the OB theories. I will put emphasis on what she did, how she did, why she did it, and what contributed to her behavior. What’s more, we will see the effect the personal behavior on the organization and how they affect each other. Once put into that situation, what others will do.
1 Attitude and Behavior toward Lying
Cognitive Dissonance and the Way She Deal With
Attitude: According to case, it’s apparent to see that Elena was at first reluctant, but finally can’t help lying to customers. On the one hand, her birth nature told her not to tell a lie, she wanted to be always sincerely and make the correct deals. On the other hand, she didn’t want to miss the chance of getting a promotion (Robbins&Judge, 2008). So, undoubtedly, she experienced the dissonance.
Cognitive Dissonance: She experienced cognitive dissonance when the two attitudes appeared in her brain at the same time. By the way, she didn’t want to lie, but she finally did, she also experienced the attitude-behavior dissonance.
Solution she deals with it:
Firstly, as far as the importance of the elements creating the dissonance is concerned, she experienced high degree dissonance because she thought it immoral to tell a lie to customers, but she can’t ignore the interest of the company if she wanted the promotion. Elena compared the consequence of lying to customers with getting promotion, she found that she can reduce the dissonance by concluding that the dissonance behavior isn’t so important


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