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上海豫园。 - 上海豫园。-课件【PPT讲稿】.ppt

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上海豫园。 - 上海豫园。-课件【PPT讲稿】.ppt


文档介绍:I ntroduction of Yuyuan garden Yuyuan garden is located in the busy streets of old Shanghai residences, north to the northeastern corner of bliss, east road AnRen street, to the west of Shanghai ChengHuang and yu garden adjacent to the mall, is a famous jiangnan classical garden, the world-famous scenic spots and historical sites and resorts, by the state council in 1982 as national key units of cultural relics protection With small in see characteristic, is a collection of the Ming and qing dynasties buildings on the essence of art gardens in south of classical garden, there are more than 40 sites . Viewing tower 2017-1-18 3 bridge of night turnings Why a music bridge nine ? Why a music bridge nine? According to information, according to the Chinese people's traditional custom, nine is the highest number, so named zigzag bridge, has taken its good luck is the meaning of the folk around children go, lucky you long long; Students walk jiuqu test scores y-nine; Lovers, as long as you go and forever . Point spring hall Some spring hall built in qing dynasty, is located in the early light within TangMing su shi yu yuan garden, from the poem "cui point spring yan" is a bay of the hall is five buildings. Uniting, here is the insurgent uprising of mand post, hall inside the north in late qing dynasty RenBoNian painter of the giant "view sword figure" and calligrapher's ShenYinMo writing couplets "bravery ink bag KongKuo heart essence, a source of pure". In addition, hall inside a display of the insurgents, the weapons used in the casting of COINS, and the issued draft and other objects


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