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文档介绍:姿势训练陈建姿势的定义?构成身体的各个组织器官,尤其是骨骼、肌肉、内脏、神经系统互相关联所构成的自然姿态,其中尤以脊柱最为重要?一般说来姿势主要指站立位姿势、坐位姿势和卧位姿势? Posture is a “ position or attitude of the body, the relative arrangement of body parts for a specific activity, or a characteristic manner of bearing one ’s body What is posture? ? The position of the body in space * Upright position * Hold your body upright against gravity while standing, sitting or lying down. ? The chain-link concept of body mechanics * Dominos 多米诺骨牌 Optimal posture ? State of muscular and skeletal balance that protects the supporting structures of the body against injury or progressive deformity, whether at work or rest. ?良好姿势:从身体侧面观察重心线,是从耳垂经过肩关节、胸廓和腹部的中央、股骨大转子、膝关节前方、外踝的前方 Natural posture ? Slightly anterior to centre of the knee 膝关节前方? Greater trochanter of the hip 股骨大转子? Level with the glenohumeral joint (shoulder) 盂肱关节? Through the central mass of the neck 颈部中央? Through the earlobe 耳垂 Faulty posture 不良姿势? Increases stress on the joints, which is compensated for by strong muscles ?关节压力增大,被强壮的肌肉所代偿,如果有关节僵硬、肌肉无力或缩短拉长,导致不良姿势的产生影响姿势的因素?骨骼形态(如半椎体) ?韧带松弛?肌筋膜或肌腱紧张或挛缩(如阔筋膜张肌、胸大肌、屈髋肌等) ?肌张力(如臀大肌、腹肌、竖脊肌等) ?骨盆角(正常为 30 °) ?关节位置和活动度?神经性输出或输入 Introduction ?头颈部重量约为 4-5 kg , 颈部肌肉起着固定作用, 肌肉越强壮,更多的力量经过脊柱传递?当头部重心位于脊柱中部下段时最小的压力作用在脊柱,此时需要最小的肌肉张力保持头部,当人体处于自然的良好姿势时即为最佳的生物机械位置 Proper, Optimally Efficient Posture Proper posture occurs when: 1. The shoulders are held back and down 肩部保持向背部和下方 2. Thoracic spine curves forward only slightly 胸椎轻微向前弯曲 3. Scapulae are flat, do not “ wing out ”肩胛平面恰当,不能向外外展 4. The chest curves out - forward tips of the shoulders would not touch a yardstick placed across the upper chest 胸部前凸,双肩关节最前端不宜有交叉 5. The collar bones are level or slope only slightly upwards 锁骨仅轻度向上倾斜 6. From the front, the chin is at least 5 cm, if not 8 or 10 cm, above the clavicular notch. 下巴在锁骨上最少 5cm Proper, Optimally Efficient Upper Body Flexibility ? Rotate arms forward and upward to vertical, without leaning back. 向前上旋转上臂到垂直,身体没有向后倾? Rotate head left and


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