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文档介绍:I 耐克公司的财务报表分析摘要:随着我国市场经济体制的深化以及资本市场的快速发展,企业外部环境发生了巨大变化。财务报表分析不仅是企业内部的一项基础工作,而且对财政、税务、银行、审计及企业主管部门和广大投资者全面了解企业生产经营情况,正确评价企业绩效,从外部推动企业挖潜增效和改善管理起着不可替代的作用。但是单纯从财务报表的简单数字和文字上得不出实质性的成果,而要利用一定的分析方法和分析技巧,同时结合实际情况,正确认识财务报表本身的局限性和非正常影响因素,对资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表进行全面综合分析,以便做出科学决策,这个系统的动态过程就是财务报表分析。本文以耐克公司为例,从财务分析的内涵入手,介绍了企业财务分析的基础资料以及目前常用的财务分析方法。对现行常用财务分析指标进行了详细的分析研究,并运用财务比率分析指标对耐克公司综合财务状况进行分析和评价。最后, 分析了常用财务比率分析存在的局限性,并从企业偿债能力、营运能力和盈利能力等几个方面对其指标提出了改进建议。运用财务指标来评价企业的整体盈利能力、偿债能力、资产的营运效率、资产周转率、现金流量以及持续发展能力进行分析等探索如何进行财务报表分析,并对财务报表分析的局限性和影响因素提出自己的观点。关键词: 财务报表;财务报表分析;财务指标;局限性 II pany financial statement analysis Abstract : With deepening of market economy system inour country and the rapid development of capital market, great changes have taken place in enterprise external environment. Financial statement analysis isnot only a basic work within the enterprise, and the fiscal, taxation, banking, audit and enterprise to fully understand the enterprise production and management departments and the broad masses of investors, the correct evaluation of enterprise performance, from the outside to promote enterprise development efficiency and improving management plays an irreplaceable role. But pure simple Numbers and words from the financial statements are not substantial results, and to take advantage of certain methods and analysis skills, combined with the actual situation at the same time, the correct understanding the limitations and abnormal factors of financial statements, the balance sheet, e statement and statement of cash flows to conduct prehensive analysis, in order to make scientific decision, the system is the dynamic process of financial statement analysis. Based on pany as an example, this paper from the definition of the financial analysis, this paper introduces the enterprise financial analysis of data and the basis of the monly used methods of financial analysis. The financial analysis indicators, which are used in the current carried on the detailed analysis and research, and u